Pelagic Birds Frenzy in Bangladesh after Cyclone Remal – Few welcome Pelagics including a Country Record

Tropical Cyclone Remal just ended on 28th of May, it originated in the indian ocean, entered Bangladesh through Khulna Division and exited Bangladesh over Mymensingh Division. The Whole Country went through severe thunderstorm and torrential rain for few days. Wind speed grew up to 110+ kilometres per hour. From previous experience like Cyclone Amphan back during Covid Lockdown, Birders around the country became wary about possible pelagic sightings around the, speacially ones living near large rivers like Padma, Meghna estuary etc.  

This post is a brief summary of the Deep Sea Birds sighted during and after Cyclone Remal passed. First report came of an injured Sooty Tern from Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar taken by Mr. Mahabub Alam. Another sighting of Great Crested Tern came from Barisal district. 

Rajshahi Birders went to look for Pelagics in their side of Padma river because there has been several sightings from this part after great cyclones. For Example after Cyclone Amphan, 04 Pelagic birds were recorded from here in one day. Anyway, Mainul Ahsan Shamim, ASM Arif Ul Anam, Kawsar Al Mamoon and Nurul Islam Nur found few Wilson’s Storm Petrels and a young Sooty Tern. 

Few Birders from Dhaka went to Rajshahi and started looking for the Petrels and they managed to find six individuals. Nothing interesting the rest of the day except few Pied Avocets. 

In the Meantime, one Adult Sooty Tern was photographed from Bhola District in Barisal, not too far from sea. Main Interesting news started coming from Padma River near Dhaka City. Atleast one Wilson’s Storm Petrel, One Bridled Tern and at least one what might be a Jouain’s Petrel which would be a new country record for Bangladesh. Observers are renowned birdwatchers Shahanshah Bappi and Rashedul Karim Rafat. We;ll see what next is found when few more birders go look for more Pelagic birds there. 

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